Will You Be My Donor?
Peaking sustainability: your organs as a next step in recycling.

Informational campaign about organ donation for young adults to inform and inspire them about organ donation.
When we die, we have no use for our organs, but someone else might. Why let healthy organs go to waste?
I wanted to work with unconventional topics and with something I feel strongly about. Topic of sustainability is very prevalent and while there is plenty of research on it, I wanted to narrow it down to the human body and how can it be viewed as a potential resource as well. Moreover, I wanted the audience to feel something, no matter positive or negative.
* In this project I am not touching upon illegal organ harvesting.
** The artwork used as a bottom part of the final design is titled 'Heart' by DDB Argentina, Capital Federal.
Raise awareness about organ donation. To send the idea that organs are a resource wasted if a deceased is buried with them.
I began my process by narrowing down the scope and target audience. I wanted to take something complex, provoking, and something I feel very strong and passionate about. My first choice was to argue that pro-choice and abortions are sustainable. After looking through different visual materials of posters both for and against abortions, I read articles that were arguing for and against abortions. I considered materials and visuals produced by people who are against abortions because I wanted to understand how my target audience feels and thinks. Many posters included flowers and had a bit more feminine look, so I wanted to challenge myself and try designing in a similar manner.
However, after the discussion with my mother about the topic, we came to the conclusion that actually having a decent sexual education would be even better from a sustainability perspective, so I shifted my focus on that.
The next day, I was thinking about thrifting and how we are
donating and buying second-hand clothes, but what about our bodies? I recalled that once buying a shirt at one thrift store the label mentioned organ donation and urged the buyer to sign up as a donor. This topic is also one of the things I feel personally very strongly about, so I decided to shift my focus and design an informational campaign for organ donation.
The designs include a poster, flyer, and sticker. The topic is complex, so I wanted the design to emphasize it yet still remain a bit artistic. I used contrast and collage to play with image behavior to highlight the message and evoke feelings.
Trying out different designs.
The name of the campaign “Will you be my donor?” has its roots in the popular phrase during St.Valentine’s “Will you be my Valentine?” while exchanging heart-shaped cards.